Manual Emails

Compose and send personalized emails manually. This option offers flexibility for crafting unique messages tailored to specific needs or occasions.

Select Manual Option #

Navigate to the email sending section and choose the “Manual” option to compose a custom email.

Fill in Email Details #

Provide the necessary details for your email, including:

  • Subject: Enter a unique and compelling subject line.
  • Email From Name: Specify the name that will appear as the sender.
  • Email From: Provide the email address from which the email will be sent.
  • Email Body: Manually compose the content of the email, allowing for personalized messaging tailored to your audience.
    *All filed is required.


Send to All Users #

Once you are satisfied with the email, you can send it to all users in your subscriber list.

Review and Confirm #

Double-check all details and send the email, after send mail you receive message :

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