Refund Policy

Insixus Tech Solution sells digital products on this site. Any products once downloaded are not eligible for refund. In case of any technical difficulty or error you encounter with the product, we highly recommend you to get in touch with our Technical Support team for troubleshooting.

In following cases, you are entitled to the refund:

  • Product is “not as described” or the product doesn’t work the way it is advertised. If an item doesn’t work the way it should, we are obliged to promptly resolve the issue by updating the item. In another case of “item is not as described”, it means if it is materially different from the item description or preview.
  • Entitled to refund if the item has a security vulnerability i.e. if an item can’t easily be fixed by us.
  • Item support is promised but not provided by us as per support policy.
  • If items that have not been downloaded.

NOTE : It will take from 5-7 working days to process the refund and credit the amount to your bank account .

Refund is NOT given in any of the following situations:

  • You don’t need the item after you have downloaded it.
  • You feel item is not as per your expectations.
  • You simply change your mind about the purchase.
  • You purchased an item by mistake.
  • You lack sufficient expertise to use the item.
  • You claim that you are entitled to a refund but do not provide sufficient information as to why you are entitled to a refund.
  • You can no longer find the item because it has been removed from the website.

Reach out to us with your refund request on our email ( and our support team agent will get back to you at the earliest possible.